Devo #2
Verse: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.” (Psalm 139:13-15)
God assigned you and me as worthy.
Here is the thing about worth, we change the value of things in our lives all the time. Think about when Champion sweatpants and sweatshirts were sold at Walmart for cheap. I never heard anyone talk about them. I never heard anyone rave about buying them. Then, whether it was Kylie Jenner wearing them or Urban Outfitters carrying Champion, they became wildly popular. The price rose, items went out of stock, and so many people were wearing it. I purchased one of the $75 hoodies myself.
See, the thing is, we often allow other people to determine the value of things in our lives. This becomes an issue when we look at ourselves as a reflection of what is popular or by the opinions of other people. It becomes the same situation as the Champion gear, if people want you (boyfriend, friendships, family members) then you have high value. However, if you are in a lonely season, a broken relationship, a lost friendship, we immediately think: what is wrong with me? God does not desire for you to fluctuate how you feel by the things people say about you.
There have been so many times in my life when I would immediately replay conversations I just had with people and think about things I said, how they reacted, and if it seemed like they liked me. The power I put on other people was way too heavy. By continually working on affirming my worth by what God says, my life has changed completely.
This is still something I work on daily. And it is much easier said than done. It is important to ground yourself in these affirmations so that when life is tough (and it will be) you have clarity on your worth. When a friend leaves you, you can rest in the fact that it was not the right timing and God has bigger plans. When you are in relationship and it ends, you can affirm these truths instead of letting that person dictate your value and worth.
No matter the outside circumstances, you have value as a child of God (Galatians 3:26), you have everlasting joy (John 15:11), you are blessed (Psalm 118:26), you are seen as precious (Isaiah 43:4), you are understood by God (Psalm 139:1), YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL (Song of Solomon 6:4-5), and so much more!
My encouragement is to write down these truths, say them to yourself, pray about God fixing your focus more on Him then on people. When God is the one you allow to create your worth, you will find true fulfillment and a joy that is far greater than the approval of people.